Package Pricing

All Individual and Sports Programs

Package 1 - $299

Phase 1 - An in-person Comprehensive Movement Assessement and movement corrections. After your detailed Individual or Sports assessment you will be sent an electronic document with a movement corrective program with links to video coaching and detailed explanantions of each exercise.

Package 2 - $499

This includes all of Package 1 along with a Phase 2 Movement Integration and Phase 3 Fitness/Sports Performance program. Basically, we use all of the new movement you’ve developed and now we teach you how to use it in a fitness/performance setting in 2 Phases. This program is unique to you and lays the foundation of pain free exercise, performance, and injury prevention.

Package 3 - $649

This includes all of Package 2 along with a Phase 4 periodized and fully integrated performance program! This is the package that returns athletes back to game-ready play and prevents injuries. After completing the first 3 phases of the Wood & Iron Sports Performance program, you’ll be given a 3 month integrated performance program unique to your needs based on your assessments and progress to date. This package includes a coach’s check-in every other week for progress and program adjustments.

Package 4 - In-Person and Remote Team Coaching - call for pricing

Package 4 is designed for teams. For fully remote coaching this includes a video series for your athletes to do a self movement assessment and how to correct any limitations they find as well as a year round multi-phase performance program to build your performance from the ground up! In person team coaching includes an in-person movement assessment of each player, a personalized corrective program for each player, and pre-practice/game warm-up adjustments to maximize your team’s performance and prevent injuries. These programs are personalized based on your team’s goals, equipment availability, etc.